Thursday, September 13, 2018


Read: Kathy Acker p.779-794
NOW: Use the short sentences (#3 from last week) as the bones of this week's piece. Add flesh and muscle from the other two paragraphs. The idea is to write material and then to experiment with the ordering of the material. You need not use everything you wrote last week... or--feel free to add even more. Do a couple versions if you like...
Alternately, you can also use this exercise to generate more material for one of the pieces you have already done--to flesh it out and start building a final version for your portfolio.  For example... the first paragraph can be replaced with a more meditative/musing paragraph on any "larger implications" of a scene you are writing... you do not have to be writing about a large issue/event to use this "braid-form." Not at all. 
GOAL: To free ourselves from the tyranny of "how things come out onto the page" - Re-ordering/ fleshing out/accordian-ing thought: these can be your best friend if you let them... they certainly provide you with a ton of possibilities.

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